About Volume Groups

lsvg Lists all volume groups lsvg (vg) Lists the volume group details lsvg -l (vg) Lists all logical volumes in the volume group lsvg -p (vg) Lists all physical volumes in the volume group lsvg -o Lists all varied on volume groups varyonvg (vg) nimmt eine VG online...

About Devices

lscfg zeigt alle installierten Devices mit Location Code lscfg -v lists all installed devices in detail lscfg -vl (device name) lists device details bootinfo -b reports last device the system booted from bootinfo -k reports keyswitch position 1=secure, 2=service,...

NFS Network File System

exportfs Lists all exported filesystems exportfs -a Exports all fs’s in /etc/exports file exportfs -i exports a Filesystem „instant“ without an entry in /etc/exports exportfs -u (filesystem) Un-exports a filesystem mknfs Configures and starts NFS...